fredag 6. november 2009


Britt Victoria har fått jobb som flyger i Susi Air, med oppstart i Jakarta 1. desember. Gratulerer så mye, og lykke til!! :-)

torsdag 5. november 2009

Invitasjon fra WAI Southern England Chapter

WAI Southern England Chapter Event - November 21st 2009

Have you heard of a group called Women in Aviation International, known as WAI? Not yet? Well in America, they are a tremendous organisation, created in 1990, with over 14,000 members, major interest and sponsorship from leading aviation companies in the US and annual conferences offering you the chance to advance your career significantly in the space of a weekend. We hope to create the same volume of support over here in Britain, but we need your help.

Interest in the group this side of the Atlantic has resulted in a number of females in British aviation getting together to create their own branch of the WAI, called the Southern England Chapter. We hope that if our Chapter proves successful, more groups will start all over Britain, in exactly the same way as has happened in the US, with Chapters meeting regularly to support, learn from and teach each other. The aim of WAI is to enhance and advance the careers of all different kinds of women in aviation. Whether you are in management, instruction, commercial or corporate flying, engineering, ATC or just enjoy flying at the weekends, you are welcome to join us and meet other people like you. This doesn't mean you have to be a woman either, with a large number of members being males who support females in aviation.

We decided that the best way to demonstrate what we offer and aim to achieve in the future was to hold a conference, giving an opportunity for us all to meet, talk and learn from each other in a professional, friendly and educational way. This event will be open to current members and non-members alike, and features speakers o­n the topic of 'Dealing with the unexpected'; something that we all have to face at some point in our aviation careers. Please see the poster attached for more information o­n our speakers.

So it is with great pleasure that we invite you to attend our first conference o­n the 21st November 2009. It will be held at the Hilton in Gatwick, and be over the course of the afternoon, with the opportunity to stay late to have a drink or dine with your fellow delegates afterwards and into the night, if you so wish. If you are interested in attending or know someone who might like to attend, please invite them to contact us at this address for more information: and we will send more details about the day, and instructions o­n how to confirm a place.

If you are interested in learning more about WAI first, then please visit the website at If you then think you would like to become a member, but would like to wait and see what is o­n offer at the conference first, we can guide you through the membership application process o­n-line o­n the day. Alternatively, you may have other commitments o­n the 21st November, but if you are still interested in our group, then please contact the email above with your details and we will add you to the mailing list for future events.

We are looking forward to seeing you soon.

Kind regards,

The Committee
Southern England Chapter
Women in Aviation International

fredag 30. oktober 2009

Nytt fra WAI - søk på stipend innen 20. november!

Don't Let This Opportunity Slip Away!
November 20, 2009 is the deadline to apply for a Women in Aviation, International Scholarship.

Five quick questions and answers:

I'm not a student, so what does this have to do with me?

Sure, many WAI scholarships are strictly for current university students, but many more are for flight training (including type ratings), training for career advancement (or career change) and some are just to fulfill a dream. There's no age limit to apply for a WAI scholarship; they're for men and women too. The only "must be" is you must be a WAI member to apply.

Let's just say I was never a scholar -- I get mostly Bs and Cs. Do I stand a chance?

Yes, you do! Your academic record only applies in some scholarships -- and for many, scholarships, it is not considered at all. You don't have to be an honor student to apply. In many of our scholarships, your heart, ambition and attitude count more than your transcript.

If I win, do I have to go to the Conference to claim my scholarship?

Of course, we hope you WANT to go to the Conference (February 25-27, 2010 at Disney's Coronado Springs Resort in Orlando, FL) but no, you don't have to be "present to win." We'd love to call your name, however, during the Conference and have you rush to the podium to accept your scholarship.

Don't you get hundreds of applications? What are my chances?

Instead of thinking "why me?," think "why not me?" And why not you? Someone is going to win these scholarships, but the only way you are going to win is if you apply. The potential payback is so great for a few hours of your time. Give it a try!

OK, I'm convinced. Now what?

Go to and click on 'scholarships.' Everything you need is there, including complete descriptions, qualifications, a downloadable application and even a section on tips and strategies to increase your chances of being selected as the winner.

November 20, 2009 is the deadline to apply for a Women in Aviation, International Scholarship.

torsdag 1. oktober 2009

Nye stipender

WAI tilbyr i disse dager flere nye stipender, blant annet:

American Airlines and American Eagle Engineering Scholarship
American Airlines and American Eagle will award one scholarship to a student pursuing a degree in the field of engineering - aerospace/aeronautical, mechanical, or electrical. Candidates will be evaluated on academic standing, personal accomplishments, teamwork, leadership skills and community service involvement. Please submit application according to WAI scholarship guidelines. Finalists will be interviewed at the WAI conference in Orlando (Scholarship value: $5,000).

Anne Baddour Scholarship
The Anne Baddour Scholarship will be awarded to a woman pilot with the following accomplishments:
- a burning desire to become a professional pilot
- have at least a Private Pilot Certificate
- be on track towards the ATP

This award will be used to further her aims toward an Instrument Rating, Multi-engine Rating and/or Commercial Pilot Certificate (Scholarship value - $2,000).

Sjekk WAI's stipendsider for flere muligheter!

tirsdag 22. september 2009

Chapter stiftelse - planen videre og annet nytt

Etter et interessant og hyggelig møte på Sola, er arbeidet i gang med å forberede underlaget til selve stiftelsen av Scandinavia Chapter. Når dette er på plass, vil vi kalle inn til et nytt møte, hvor underlaget gjennomgås og godkjennes av medlemmene. Deretter utarbeides og signeres en liten søknad til WAI, og vi er i gang!

På årets europeiske konferanse i Italia møtte vi WAI's chapter relations manager Betty Huck, som fortalte at vi kan bli WAI's chapter #60. Vi trenger totalt 10 medlemmer av WAI til å signere på søknaden, og det ser ut til å gå i boks! Vil du være med, legg igjen en kommentar, eller meld deg inn via søknadsskjemaet i høyre marg eller på WAI's sider. Det er per i dag ingen egen kontingent for Scandinavia Chapter, så det er kun WAI kontingenten som gjelder.

Av annet nytt: Southern England Chapter'et til WAI planlegger en mini-konferanse på Gatwick 21. november, med oppstart kl. 13:00 for å muliggjøre ankomst samme dag. Mer informasjon legges ut så snart vi mottar den!

tirsdag 1. september 2009

Fristen for påmelding er utløpt, men

er du rask, kan vi legge deg til på deltakerlisten som sendes til hotellet om kort tid. Vi har bekreftede deltakere fra helikopter- og flymiljø, tilsyn og entusiaster! Meld deg på direkte her på siden, send oss en mail eller legg igjen en kommentar.

Er du usikker på om WAI er det rette for deg? Da er det bare å hive seg rundt og bli med på stiftelsesmøtet, det er ikke krav om medlemskap, og du vil få vite mer om hvorfor vi og andre mener WAI er et positivt bidrag i luftfartens verden.

Du kan når som helst melde din interesse for medlemskap via mail, kommentar her, eller via skjemaet i menyen til høyre.

Vel møtt! :-)

mandag 10. august 2009

Program for stiftelsesmøtet

- Velkommen
- Introduksjon til WAI
- Foredrag v/ekstern foredragsholder Justin Caird-Daley
- Generell informasjon/diskusjon
- Lunsj
- Evt. videre informasjon/diskusjon (ved behov)
- Chapter stiftelse
- Oppsummering/avslutning
- Sosialt samvær

Det vil bli lagt inn pauser underveis, hotellet sørger for gode forfriskninger.

Påmeldingsinformasjon og andre deltaljer
finner du her.